• وبلاگ : چرا دنيا پر از حادثه هاي وارونه؟
  • يادداشت : hello
  • نظرات : 3 خصوصي ، 17 عمومي

  • نام:
    متن پيام :
    حداکثر 2000 حرف
    كد امنيتي:
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    تولد همه ي آذري ها رو تبريك مي گم

    happy birthday do you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! s

    Birthday Balloon

    دختري از پسري پرسيد :آيا منو قشنگ مي دوني‌ ؟ پسر جواب داد : نه ! پرسيد : آيا دلت مي خواد تا ابد با من بموني‌؟ گفت :‌نه ! سپس پرسيد :‌ اگر ترکت کنم گريه مي کني ؟ و بار ديگر تکرار کرد :‌ نه ! دختر خيلي ناراحت شد .... وقتي براي آخرين لحظه با چشماني که پر از اشک بود به پسر نگاه کرد ..... پسر دست هايش را گرفت و گفت :‌ تو قشنگ نيستي بلکه زيبايي .... من نمي خواهم تا ابد با تو باشم بلکه من نياز دارم که تا ابد با تو باشم و اگر تو روزي مرا ترک کني ... گريه نمي کنم .. مي ميرم.

    hiiiii dear soma

    thanks for coming to my weblog

    your weblog is so nice

    i wonder that

    where are you from

    سلام عزيزم اگه تو نستي يه تماس با من بگير.ممنون09355590821
    خيلي مخلصيم
    Q:How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper
    A:We don"t know;it has never happened
    Q: How do you get a man to do sit-ups
    A: Put the remote control between his toes
    Q: How did Pinocchio find out he was made of wood
    A: His hand caught fire
    Q: What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is every night
    A: A Widow

    thank u mr babak this was just a little thing that i can do because i am not vary good at this please help me? ok

    thank u mss vahdani either i do . dear jila i love u so much for your love i hope u be a be success and i never say good bye . i can say have a good life

    دوست داشتن هميشه گفتني نيست گاهي نگاه است وگاهي سكوت : يك دنيا سكوت مال تو. دوست تو ژيلا

    Good morning
    Thanks very much
    Let"s talk it over
    How can I help
    Tell me about it
    I appreciate your help
    Happy birthday
    I enjoy having you here
    I understand
    We missed you
    I"m glad you came by
    I like that idea
    I think you can
    I like what you did
    Welcome back
    You are unique
    That"s even better
    I"ve been thinking of you
    How are things going
    How are you
    I"d like your opinion
    Happy holiday
    What do you think
    Let"s have lunch
    What can I do for you
    Of course I have the time
    That"s OK
    I am impressed
    You made me feel good
    Yes Please come in
    I"ve always got time for you
    I think you can do it
    Please tell me more
    May I help you
    Let"s do it together
    Come back soon
    I enjoy our time together
    Keep out
    What Mary is trying to say is
    Use your head
    It won"t work
    You"ll have to call back
    You can"t do that
    I don"t care what you do
    Not bad,for a girl
    Don"t be so stupid
    Who do you think you are
    He can"t be disturbed
    Why didn"t you stay home
    Woman driver
    They don"t want to learn
    They don"t have the ability
    You can"t be that dumb
    They"re all right
    in their place
    Who"s calling
    You should not feel that way
    You ought to know better
    You must do as I say
    How could you
    Shape up or ship out
    Anybody can do that
    Why do you bother coming to school
    That"s a childish viewpoint
    That is dead wrong
    You goofed
    Get lost
    That"s stupid
    So what
    Because I said so,that"s why
    What,you again
    Forget it
    You"ll never make it
    Sit down and shut up
    Knock it off
    I know you"re not that stupid
    What"s your excuse this time

    hello ms vahdani thank u so much i hope u be success

    salam soma jan tabrik megam omidvaram hamishah mofag bashi zhila

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