:::::::Forty Inviting Behaviors Forty Disinviting Behaviors::::
A relaxed posture
Lending a book
Listening carefully
Patting a back
Shaking hands
Opening a door for someone
Giving a friendly wink
Sharing lunch together
Being on time
Sending a thoughtful note
Bringing a gift
Sharing an experience
Accepting praise
Giving wait-time
Gazing warmly
Yielding interest
Noticing new clothes
Learning names
Offering refreshments
Sending a valentine
Hugging (where appropriate)
Extending an apology (where required)
Sharing a poem
Picking up litter
Planting a flower
Waiting your turn
Holding a door
Extending a hand
Congratulating someone
Remembering important occasions
Sharing a sandwich
Using a napkin
Offering someone a chair
Bringing flowers
Scratching someone"s back
Expressing regret
Waving with both hands
Giving a thumbs-up sign
Overlooking a faux pas Giving a thumbs-down sign
Looking at your watch
Yawning in someone"s face
Shaking your finger at someone
Scowling and frowning
Slamming a door
Using ridicule
Turning you back on someone
Cutting people short
Making fun of a person
Looking away from someone
Leaving someone to answer the phone
Hitting someone
Being obscene
Laughing at someone"s misfortune
Throwing paper on the ground
Tapping a pencil (fidgeting)
Chewing gum loudly
Breaking a promise
Forgetting an important date
Gawking at an accident
Using sarcasm
Forgetting a birthday
Blowing your car horn
Talking with your mouth full
Playing with your nose
Eating loudly
Showing lack of concern
Being late
Staring at someone
Shoving ahead
Stamping your foot
Telling a lie
Dumping ashtrays in the street
Insulting a person
Talking during a movie
Physical Environments