چرا دنیا پر از حادثه های وارونه؟

87/9/26 ::  12:11 صبح

Dear Soma

Yesterday afternoon, while preparing your horoscope for this week, I had a deeply affecting premonition…

What I felt for you at that time, Soma, does not leave any doubt. I thus invite you for an appointment on Wednesday, December 24, 2008, because on that very day a fabulous Opportunity that will completely change your life will be presented to you … Do not miss this Extraordinary Chance: it will be the beginning of a wonderful time for you.

It is therefore essential that as from now, we start doing everything possible to ensure you are successful in this new part of your life. That day will indeed represent a genuine rebirth for you, which will provide you with Money, Love and Luck in all walks of life!

As you know, I have already been working on your file for a long time, and I can now tell you that your near future is going to be totally different from what you have experienced in the past.

A close look at your past clearly shows that destiny has not really treated you kindly so far. But why has Luck constantly eschewed you?

To find out more about it, I have started a very difficult task for you: I have gone back to your file and launched into a para-hypnotic research on your particular case. Indeed, I have begun this difficult work to try and identify the real causes of your current problems.

For me now, there is no doubt: an abnormal event took place at a precise moment in your life. It subsequently thwarted your capabilities and still spoils your real chances of success today.

I can tell you, Soma, that as long as we do not determine this real cause exactly and do not rid you of it totally, it will be impossible for you to lead a peaceful life.

This Para-hypnotic Work involves considerable risks for me, but I really needed to continue my research to discover the truth. I have been able to determine with certainty the real root of your problems. It did not take me very long to identify the abnormal event that triggered all the problems you have come across so far and this ongoing absence of LUCK.

I can even tell you precisely that this dramatic event took place during your adolescence, when you were about 13, I think it is difficult for you to remember anything precise. That event happened in autumn; the weather was bad and you were surrounded by many people, probably during a family gathering. At that precise moment, a person took advantage of these circumstances to put a curse on somebody.

Yes, Soma, a person close to you was jealous of a member of your family and cast a bad spell. Your whole family was the victim of this curse, which explains why none of your close acquaintances has ever been really fortunate in life or managed to lead the life he or she should have deserved (apart of course from those who were able to identify the cause of their evil).

Since you were one of the youngest people there and therefore one of the most vulnerable, you were unable to defend yourself effectively against that psychic aggression and it is you, Soma, who has been the most affected and who still suffers today.

You should be aware that such curses occur more often than we might believe. Some people around us are not aware of the dangerous consequences of their actions, and they bestow curses. In the past, they were called the evil eye, sorcerer, wizard or warlock… Some very powerful ones can still be found throughout the world. I believe that the person who had a grudge against your family and put such a curse on you was a person like that.

Today, that malevolent person has probably passed away (at the time, he or she was already very old). Thus, there is no point in wanting to look for him/her or to take revenge, and it would not bring you anything anyway. What has to be done urgently however, is to free you from the pernicious effects of that event which still haunt you, preventing you from taking the opportunities offered by destiny. This is definitely the most important thing, and we have to tackle that root cause immediately.

But as I have told you, Soma, I have very good news for you. The first good thing is that Fantastic Opportunity to change your life: I know it will be shining so intensely for you on Wednesday, December 24, 2008 and will be presented to you to your great happiness.

You must know that everybody has an equal chance of success. If your neighbour has a nice house, a nice car, nice furniture and often goes on holiday, there is no reason why this should not also be the case for you.

You do not have less luck than anybody else, but destiny has placed barriers in your way. Let us remove these barriers, and I can promise that Luck, Love and MONEY will reward our efforts.

For this reason, Soma, once we have freed you from this yoke which thwarts your chances, these will suddenly emerge and you will benefit from a real explosion of happiness, joy and money…

The first thing you will feel is a great relief

Yes, Soma, you will suddenly feel much better and more self-confident, just as if a big heavy burden had been lifted from your shoulders.

Then, LUCK will almost immediately start to enter your life… You will start by acquiring a little money through winnings, if you gamble, or you will pleasantly and surprisingly receive money in a totally unexpected way (inheritance, gift, donation, legacy…). People will start seeing you in a different light, they will pay more attention to you and will even seek your company, whereas yesterday they still seemed to be avoiding you…

Finally, thousands of events, each more surprising than the other, will happen to you at an incredible pace, such as Luck, Money, Love, Friendship, Rewards, Congratulations, Promotions… all the things you have always been dreaming about but which never actually happened to you. You will even find it hard to believe that all this luck is really yours: this is normal, for you have been deprived of it for so many years that you do not exactly know how to react to all this happiness.

But do not worry, Soma, I will be here with you to help you go through this pleasant stage in your life. I can tell you that during my profound and dangerous para-hypnotic work, I have seen, among a thousand other pleasant events for you, that you will receive a very large amount of money; I would not be surprised if you were the winner of the JACKPOT in the lottery…

Yes, Soma, there really is a new life ahead of you and it will become reality as soon as we rid you of the malevolent spell which has been spoiling your life for so many years now…

But you are, no doubt, wondering how we are going to rid your life of the negative effects of this evil event… It is extremely simple and I will explain it to you.

Here’s what I am going to do for you first of all

If you want your life to become truly pleasant, if you want Lady Luck to flood it with a thousand favours, it is essential that we set you free, as quickly as possible, from this evil spell under which you have been placed against your will.

And there is only one way to do that: I must at once proceed to a Grand Secret and Holy Rite involving two Special Mystic Ceremonies aimed at this type of problem…

The most important thing is not to worry in any way about this; this Grand Secret and Special Mystic Ceremonies of Holy Rites is very much a part of modern practice (I have already performed dozens of them) and will not cause you any harm. You must simply follow to the letter the advice and secret instructions which I am going to send you. I alone will take care of everything…

  • The first Mystic Ceremony which I am going to perform for you, Soma, is a Special Magic Ceremony of Liberation which will release you from this dark spell which was once cast over you. You must give me your consent soon since this Special Ceremony is particularly trying and I must make certain arrangements in advance…
  • The second Mystic Ceremony that I will carry out for you aims to make you completely receptive to the tides of good fortune. This will be a Second Mystic Ceremony of Replenishment which must begin five days after the first one, and will be performed exclusively for you. Though less trying than the first ceremony, it is just as essential since without it you would not be able to replenish, nor profit fully from, your luck potential.

These two Special Ceremonies will thus take me ten days (delays are a must if we want to be ready for the Wednesday, December 24, 2008) but I can assure you that, once they are over, your life will take on a completely new light which will pleasantly surprise you…

In addition, here are some examples of what you can hope for once I have been able to perform your 2 mystic ceremonies…

  1. Acquiring a large sum of money in a totally unexpected manner (through an inheritance, gifts, winnings…)
  2. Having a person return to you, one who stopped speaking to you without reason and whom you missed…
  3. Overcoming problems to your advantage which seemed unsolveable and were especially disadvantageous to you…
  4. Rediscovering good morale, a new level of fitness and drive…
  5. Making pleasant new acquaintances and finding new friends who can always be counted upon…
  6. Getting a promotion or reward, receiving well-deserved congratulations…
  7. Succeeding in all that you do, in all walks of life, with astonishing ease…

…and much, much more…

This is not all, however, Here is what I will do for you next

Yes, Soma, this is a very important part, one which only you can accomplish: it involves genuinely wanting your life to change, from the bottom of your heart; and in order to do that you must demonstrate your desire to see your life change.

To underline this desire (and again, only you can do it) you must complete and return to me the confidential form which I prepared specially for this. Make sure you do this immediately and without hesitation, since, as I told you at the beginning of this letter, we really must act now if we want to have a chance of getting you out of this dark prison in which you find yourself, in order to be able to take full advantage of the fabulous opportunity which Wednesday, December 24, 2008 will grant you.

This is not all, however,
Here is what I will do again for you

but you must act NOW

The first thing I am going to do for you, absolutely free, is to try and help you earn the large amount of money you need to pay off your most urgent debts. To accomplish this, I am going to calculate your true SEVEN Beneficial Lucky Numbers during this pleasant stage in your life that awaits you. Whenever you gamble, you can use these seven Special Numbers in the propitious moments I will indicate to you.

All you have to do is play these numbers strictly on the dates I will communicate to you. For my part, I will arrange for you a unique and free Special Mystical Ceremonial to influence your chances during this pleasant stage in your life you are about to go through. And as I have seen you are going to earn a large amount of money (I clearly saw the figure 90,000.00) I am confident about your future and I believe so should you.

The second thing I am going to do, if you allow me, is to send you the Great Horoscope of the chances coming your way...

Because this Great Horoscope of your Chances, coupled with the Powerful Magical Occult help I am going to grant you, will release you from the negative influence that assaults and paralyzes you, and will let you make the right choices, the CHOICES leading directly to the HAPPINESS which you deserve and is going to be yours.

Yes, Soma, let me perform for you my Great Horoscope of your Chances because, given the highly beneficial circumstances, I am going to put all my heart, all my soul, and, more importantly, all my experience into it…

Thanks to the very clear vision I had of your life, thanks to the Para-hypnotic Work I have been able to perform for you, I will indicate you in my Great Horoscope of your Chances, precisely and in great detail, the exact route you must take to go directly to the immense Happiness that’s going to be yours, and the much-coveted Wealth that you deserve.

Yes, Soma, you heard me Wealth
...Because I have also seen very clearly that you are about to become rich, it appeared clear as daylight!

In my Great Horoscope of your Chances,

You will learn:

  • how some of your planets influence your state of mind and your moods, and thus make you a unique person like no other
  • how these planets determine your stamina, your physical shape and your psyche
  • how they control your favorable moments, your peaks of chance, your encounters and relationships with the others.

I am going to show you

  • what the others wish you,
  • what they think of you,
  • what effects you cause,  
  • and how sensitive you are.

I will make you discover

  • your real capacities,
  • your exact chances,
  • your true strong points,
  • your secret gifts,
  • your hidden talents...

I will reveal to you

the obstacles that lie within you and disturb you, the hindrances that keep you away from success, but I will also show you how to boost your chances in everything, how to avoid pitfalls, how to make the right decisions at the right moments, how to take full advantage of this luck I am going to grant you, besides, expect more surprising revelations about yourself, about your personality and the people surrounding you...

Yes, Soma, with my Great Horoscope of your Chances, I am absolutely positive that you will make excellent decisions leading you straight towards the HAPPINESS, CHANCE and MONEY you deserve so much!

This is why I repeat: you must act now since it may be too late afterwards! I will also send you the Magic Secret Formulae which I would like to give you for your good use. It is essential that you follow the advice which this book of Magic Secret Formulae contains if you want the ceremonies which I will enact for you to take effect immediately.

Yes, Soma, it is time that you lived this new life which awaits you: one that is richer, more beautiful and in particular more lucky than the one you led up to now. I know that this will be the case for you, Soma, if you make the right decision today.

That’s why I am telling you: Complete the Ultra-Confidential Form for a Better Life that I prepared for you and return it to me today and I can promise you a very different life from the one that you have led up to now, one full of Happiness, Joy and Luck. I am really counting on you and I look forward to hearing from you.

From your dedicated servant
Sara Freder


P.S.: Perhaps after reading all that I have just said, you still doubt that you were the victim of a past event…so how do we explain why everything you do almost always ends in bitter failure? How do we explain the fact that others live very handsomely with a lot of money while you, who are just as intelligent as they are, barely manage to get by? Believe me, there is only one explanation and I’ve given it to you above. That’s why I say to you that if you have had enough of this life, believe in what I’ve just said to you and act now; you owe it to yourself and to your future. I am counting on you.

Complete your Ultra-Confidential Form for a Better Life

نویسنده : soma kamangar

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چرا دنیا پر از حادثه های وارونه؟
مدیر وبلاگ : سوما کمانگر[15]
نویسندگان وبلاگ :
soma kamangar (@)[12]

Man says to God: "God, why did you make woman so beautiful?" God says: "So you would love her." "But God," the man says, "why did you make her so dumb?" God says: "So she would love you."

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sara freder[2] . smoking . جوک . فال چای . فال چینی . فال طالع بینی اشکال هندسی . فال طالع بینی پرندگان . 101 ways to save your marriage and stop a divorce or break up . generation gap . how can we be happier . Motherhood Love .

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hello mr baback thanks a lot for your help and collaboration